Dandan's Personal Fitness Program

Step 1 Desire

I will like to improve body composite.

Step 2 Belief

Because I really want change my body position.

Step 3 Analyze where Are You Now

My current weight is 110 lbs.

Step 4 Set a Realistic Goal

I want lose 20 lbs.

Step 5 Write Your Goals in Detail

I am going to eat 500 calories less each day.

Step 6 List the Benefits

I can wear the clothes what I desire to wear.

Step 7 List the obstacles

I like to eat snack and bread.

Step 8 Identify the knowledge You will Need

I need to know how many calories a human need each day.

Step 9 Make a Plan of Action

I will eat less begin at April until December.

Step 10 Develop A Timeline

First Month lose 2 lbs, second Monh lose 4 lbs, third Month lose 6 lbs, fouth Month lose 8 lbs, five Month lose 11 lbs, six Month 13 lbs, Seven Month 17 lbs, Eight Month 20 lbs.

Step 11 Monitor Your Progress

I will record what I eat everyday, to supervise myself.

Step 12 Never Give up

I have strong desire to achieve my goal.